Collectively as a society, we choose this one period of the year to be better. You may individually find random times of the year to become motivated about self-improvements, but collectively as a society, for some reason, we chose new year’s to be the assembly point for all personal changes in our lives.

Now, there is only one new year per year, so this is one of the least frequent intervals of our lives that we’ve set as an assembly point. Only once a year, like clockwork, does the peer pressure of the entire world come knocking at your door to pester you about becoming a better version of yourself because this arbitrary point in time has arrived. Here’s why you should use this opportunity to your advantage:

What Do You Stand to Gain?

New Year Resolutions are not a concept everybody subscribes to, but it is a good excuse to begin something new. The beginning of the week, or the month or the year always signals (obviously) a new beginning. A new beginning is always the perfect excuse for a new identity, or a change in routine, or the correct synchronicity in time to begin a new habit.

It’s almost like the seasonal cycle in your wardrobe. The new year, complete with resolution peer pressure, is the perfect excuse to audit your life, how it’s been going, and what you can do to improve.

That habit you’ve been wanting to pick up for all these years – The new year peer pressure is the perfect time to allow yourself to be influenced enough to start it.

New Year Goals

Of course, you’ll need to figure out what you want out of your life first. If your overarching goals are unclear, then your resolutions will wither away like leaves in record time.

What are your goals in life, and how can you get there? My favorite lesson that I’ve been taught at a young age is to decide what my end goal is and work my way backwards.

If my goal was to become a successful horseback riding champion, I could see myself winning a championship to do so.

Where do you want to end up, and how do you see yourself getting there? Once you’ve done that, you’ll have a starting point and a line of progression. Guess what? Now that you know what to do, your only excuse is procrastination.

The Skepticism

Surely, we’ve all been skeptical about new year resolutions at one point or another. Until this year, resolutions were a joke to me. I knew what I wanted and I knew how to get there, but I could never start my projects off confidently, always second guessing myself.

Fortunately, this year, I decided to allow this peer pressure into my life. I was going to be influenced by the masses and hold fast on my goals this year. In fact, I’ve started a podcast with one of my closest friends where we discussed our top 5 goals at length for an hour – Chatterline – Check it out if you’d like! (we’re still working on the sound quality.

  • by Yomna and Meho
    To open the show, we've decided to discuss our new years resolutions. Fun fact, this was the second time we […]

Now that I’ve made this decision at the beginning of a human time period, I do feel like the synchronicity of the exercise has given me more symmetry in my life. My projects are lining up with my goals and the most internationally recognised measure of time is on my side.

Be Better

Whether you decide to start in January, or at the beginning of some week in a random July is your call. But take your opportunities to start. You may decide that there will be another time to begin your goals, but the reality is that you need to take every opportunity, not just pick one.

The crux of the situation is that you will inevitably lose the inspiration at some point, and your motivation will fluctuate all the time. Taking your chances every time they present themselves to you and pushing yourself at every opportunity is the only way to realise your goals.

I know that realising your goals is something that you want to do, because it’s what we all want to do as human beings, so just get started and let me know how it works out for you!

Thanks for reading 🙂

2 responses to “New Year Resolutions”

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