This was one of those places that I walked into and immediately thought


Have you ever been to a place that made you feel creative? To me, libraries, museums and scenic parks all fall under that category along with the key component – art stores. CASS Art was, thankfully, no different. Something about this place was incredibly immersive in the artistic experience.

The courtyard leading up to this building was a manmade, collision of art forms including sculptures, water and paint and wall graffiti.

Art was all over the buildings surrounding the courtyard to emphasise that this was a creative place, in case you weren’t sure yet. Now, yes, this store is available internationally in many countries. That said, It’s the location in Qatar that this store is located in that makes it unique.

This place is located in the Qatar FireStation museum with an attached cafe called Cafe which happens to be the emergency number used in Qatar.

As soon as you’ve walked past the courtyard, absorbing all the inspiration there was to be absorbed, you were soon to walk in to a warehouse full of art supplies for every form of visual art you can think of.

Painting, writing, drawing or sculpting. They had supplies for everything. While, yes, it seemed like a regular large art store, it’s atmospheric effects were enhanced by the details and scenery its surrounding environment. With that said, this may have been the most fun I’ve had at an art store.

Near the cash register, signs were hung to encourage everyone’s creativity. A quote by Pablo Picasso saying “Drawing is another way to write a diary” and another from Vincent Van Gough stating “I dream of painting then I paint my dream.”

Over all this place was an inspirational, creative haven for anyone interested in visual arts. You only have to realise what art means to you to allow it to stimulate you. The kicker is that you don’t have to be good at painting, writing, drawing or sculpting to enjoy art. You only have to feel it.

So the only requirement there is to getting the most out of going to this location is to believe in the power of art and what it could mean to yourself and others. That’s all, that’s how simple art is. Give it a visit if you can, you’ll see what I mean!

Thanks for reading:)

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