The most important invention in your lifetime is…

No invention has been as productive and as destructive as computers. Have you ever heard the saying “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people”? Well, computers were invented to automate processes into quicker, speedier clicks of a button.

Still, we made sure to place them into airplanes, drones and spy gadgets to get the upper hand on others. We programmed computers that fight, kill and murder. A technology created to simplify human life was used to end it.

It’s almost like we decided to speed up people’s lives in a way that they didn’t ask for. We chose to fast forward to the end of their lives – people who’s lives weren’t ours to take.

You can ask why I say ‘we,’ but I’ll say that you pay for it. Most of us do. None of us are innocent, our silence is our trade off, tax our currency, ill-education our ignorance and disempowerment our approval.

We, from generations that saw the start of technology’s expansive takeover, rapid computer upgrades, new devices that connect your voice to others over miles, artificial intelligence, and now pushing the limit of virtual reality. We are responsible and we are complicit.

The generations that saw the world change right in front of their very eyes are suddenly blind to its consequences. We use our computers every day, our wallets day to day. We pay for upgrades, coffees, and junk that quickens our pace to the afterlife, simultaneously paying for someone else’s grave.

Tax currency or private fees all go to the overlords of a government that thinks only of itself and the power it can maintain using our resources that we only wanted to make our life easier.

The most powerful invention of our time was turned against us and we never even saw it coming. We never realised the damage we did even after lives were lost and blood coated our hands.

Computers are a wonderful invention. I’m using one to write this blog post right now. I’m no different than the rest of you. I’m not proud of it, which still means that I’m no different than the rest of you. Great…

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